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Matériel Cannabis Pipes
pipes cannabis ROOR - Icemaster - 7.0mm Green Logo - 55cm - 18.8mm ROOR - Icemaster - 7.0mm Green Logo - 55cm - 18.8mm
Prix : 439.37€

ROOR Icemaster - 7.0mm Straight Cylinder Bong w/ Ice Notches - Green Logo - 55cm - 18.8mm joint size

ROOR's Icemaster line is tall and lean with 3 ice notches for a deliciously cool, smooth pull! Unbelievably thick 7.0mm high-grade borosilicate glass and a wide round base make ROOR's Icemaster cylinder bong a rock-solid, durable luxury waterpipe ? the tallest and heaviest ROOR bong you can buy on our site! ROOR's bi-stable joints are nearly twice as thick and doubly strong, with 40% more glass for added durability. Towering at 55cm tall and built to bring you years and years of smoking fun, your bong will arrive ready to go with a sliding funnel bowl with colored glass roll stopper and a non-diffuser downstem for a strong, snappy hit. The ROOR logo in green is featured prominently, so everyone will know that you know what's up when it comes to glass bongs!
As a bonus, you'll also receive a free 3-point ROOR glass screen with your purchase!
Founded in the 1980s by German glass-blower Martin Birzle, ROOR produces high-end premium borosilicate glass bongs and smoking accessories, many of which you can find right here on our site!
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